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International News

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The Executive Board of International Chapter continues to monitor the information provided by the Canadian Public Health Agency and the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as national and regional restrictions which governments and public health officials have placed on anyone living on our continent.


We are extremely concerned for the health of our sisters and their families and that due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, the Executive Board of International Chapter has approved the following actions:


  • The Executive Board of International Chapter directs that no P.E.O. gatherings be held prior to May 10, 2020. Gatherings include but are not limited to: 

                      - Local Chapters, including all meetings (regular, social and special)

                      - Reciprocity Groups

                      - P.E.O. Groups

                      - Spring Workshops and other officer training events

                      - Organizations of New Chapters

                      - All P.E.O. events not described above.

  • That authority be granted to presidents and treasurers of local chapters, P.E.O. Groups and Reciprocity Groups to pay necessary bills during the period P.E.O. gatherings are not to be held with ratification of these actions at the next regular business meeting after meetings resume.

  • That all P.E.O. sponsored in-person fundraisers, including the P.E.O. Bed and Breakfast Program, be suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.


Local Chapter Guidance

Project Applications

  • ELF and PCE applications already submitted will continue to be processed. If your chapter has already voted to recommend an applicant, you may submit the online Chapter Recommendation Form. These recommendations require a vote taken at an in-person chapter meeting; therefore, new recommendations will be paused until chapters are able to meet again.

  • IPS applications are being processed and will be forwarded to the IPS Board of Trustee for selection in early April.

  • PSA and STAR applications are currently with their respective boards of trustees for selection.

  • For scholarship funds held in P.E.O. Foundation, Individual Case History Forms already submitted will be processed and approved as possible.


Chapter Business

Local chapters may only conduct business during meetings which are held in person. No conference calls, SKYPE, or electronic votes (via email) are allowed. In addition, meeting minutes may not be sent via email.


The Executive Board of International Chapter recommends the following: 

1) Password

Suspending the taking of the password at all local chapter meetings until July 1, 2020 or until further notice from the president of International Chapter.


2) Elections/Installations

Allowing local chapters to elect and install officers at a regular business meeting in the months of May and June 2020 if regular business meetings were canceled in March 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As usual, any regular business and/or social meetings of a local chapter that are canceled do not need to be rescheduled. 


3) Audit Report

Allowing the local chapter audit committee's report to be given and approved at a regular business meeting in the months of May and June 2020, if regular business meetings were canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 


Visit the P.E.O. International website for up-to-date information regarding their response to COVID-19 at

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